We had approximately 50 wonderful lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender neighbors at our first gathering at Unity Church. There is no doubt, the LGBT community sure knows how to bring food to the table. We had an officer from the Sun City Group, and an Allie, Vivian Wallis, who is a resource for the Charter process. She is also running for the Rec Board of directors.

Because of our size, we actually took up three rooms, which wasn’t optimal for getting to know your neighbor, but the price is right and we will make sure to mix it up in March.

We always wear name tags,(you know, it’s an age thang!!!) and are slowly and surely starting to connect and know more members each gathering.

We firmed up our member list, and at the March 20 gathering, member lists will be available(only members opting “yes” to share within the group will be listed). This will be a great help when folks are trying to connect outside of our gatherings. Member rosters are only available to paid dues members.

We were shown the fabulous brochure that Judy has been working on. It will be finalized, and then copies can be placed at the PORA visitor center, and here at Unity Church. Because of our Noncharter status, we are unable to place pamphlets in the Rec Centers and main membership office. Other spots to investigate are the library in SCW and the bowling alley. It would be great to have a volunteer check this out.

Sheila has done a ton of research on Charter vs non-charter and gave an interesting presentation of the many steps it would take to become a Chartered club. At this point, the committee will develop a pro and con list, and this is something to be discussed down the road. Getting all the fact will be very helpful, but right now we are going to concentrate on getting to know each other, finding common interests, and having fun!

Bob has graciously volunteered to be the “outreach” person for folks who do not have an email address. He will phone them ahead of an event, to make sure they are aware of it. Right now we have 14 folks who are on the outreach list, so if you can help Bob out and split the list with him….please do.

Dave has volunteered to create a form for business people in the group(offhand I know we have painters, acupuncturists, photographers,snowbird home watchers, graphic artists,silk tree creators) and I’m sure there are more that I don’t know of. So if you have a talent/business that you would like your community to support, please pick a form up at the next meeting from Dave. He will compile them for the group into some sort of a bulletin or business directory, so we can support our LGBT selves.

Vicki is going to create some Rainbow name tags that we can personalize so we don’t have to keep using those darn sticky things.

Update on our social events- you can also find them under calendar of this web page:
The March 11 Social will be held at Lou’s Tivoli Garden Restaurant at Noon.  Please look at Calendar section of this website for details, and RSVP information.

April 8- I announced a Tri-club gathering including Sun City and Sun City Grand, but when I got home, I had a note from Grand, and they are somewhat hesitant to commit their resources right now until they meet with membership mid-March. Sun City is in the same boat so we may need to re-think this idea before we put any of our time and money into the event. It will happen sometime. Stay tuned, ok? I’m a bit disappointed, but walking safely before running is always a wise idea.

As you can see, I somehow figured out how to at least start to use our website. I’m sure I will get better with time, and add some bells and whistles and pretty it up. Please keep your eye on the website for updates, and I will continue to send out blind copy emails if I have your address.

Thank you very much to the clean- up committee, and to the folks who volunteered to set up the rooms and tables before each meeting. I will arrive at Unity around 5:20pm before the meetings, to unlock the door for you.

Don’t forget to bring a couple bucks for room rental, and $5 for dues if you haven’t paid yet.

Until next time,